Barry, our pony-tailed hero, is almost ready for the AGM and World Conference in Stratford-upon-Avon at the end of this week. National President Steve James and his conference committee have been working tirelessly (so Martin Green says) for the past 3 years to make this a memorable conference for the 450 plus visitors who are now descending on Stratford. 27 countries of 41 INTERNATIONAL together with members of Tangent and Agora are represented and, as I write, the pre-tour is now underway. Over the last couple of months Barry has been very busy travelling. He went to Estonia at the beginning of March for the joint meeting of the 41 INTERNATIONAL Board with RTI and this was followed by a visit to go ice-fishing in Finland, although I think he went to a meeting as well. On to the GB&I conference in Jersey and then just back in time from Denmark and Italy, where he joined Napoli's party when they won the Italian Serie A, for the World Meeting. For those of you who don't kno...
The re-awakening and resumption of travel . Following 3 months of hibernation the 41 International world re-awoke after a winter break. After a deal of stretching and yawning Barry was woken by Rachel to set off on the first trip of the year on the 28 th February. An exciting trip to join 250 Round Tablers and other friends for the RTI half yearly meeting in Nepal. Meeting up with Binod from Nepal 41 club, who had organised a driver and guide for the time they were there, the couple were able to travel around and see the many fascinating sights of this beautiful country and scenery, including it’s many temples and also having time for a flight over Mount Everest. The weekend included 3 meetings and Barry attended all of them giving his speech about “Full Steam Ahead” for 41 club whilst encouraging Tablers to join their local 41 club at the age of 40 where, as he says, they “Still do stuff”. The 5 International Presidents were all...
There’s no stopping for the Express Train now. Now entering the final busy stretch in the lead up to Morocco and the AGM, Barry started April with a trip to one of the newer Associations with Portugal’s AGM held in Porto. He started early in the morning but it was noticed that Ryanair had messed up so he had to fly from Gate 59 at the airport rather than 41. Don’t they know who he is!!! Anyway, on his arrival in Portugal he was taken down to the River Douro amongst some absolutely lovely scenery to have a lunch with everyone on the pre-tour by the river. From there it was onto the Sandeman port winery where Barry generously gave his hat and cloak to some old bloke in return for a glass of port. They had a few glasses of port to taste and then they bought a few more. Finally leaving the port cellars the group made their way back to town for an excellent gala night. Saturday morning was the AGM and Barry took greetings from the International Board to the meeti...
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