The Re-awakening and the resumption of Travel

The re-awakening and resumption of travel . Following 3 months of hibernation the 41 International world re-awoke after a winter break. After a deal of stretching and yawning Barry was woken by Rachel to set off on the first trip of the year on the 28 th February. An exciting trip to join 250 Round Tablers and other friends for the RTI half yearly meeting in Nepal. Meeting up with Binod from Nepal 41 club, who had organised a driver and guide for the time they were there, the couple were able to travel around and see the many fascinating sights of this beautiful country and scenery, including it’s many temples and also having time for a flight over Mount Everest. The weekend included 3 meetings and Barry attended all of them giving his speech about “Full Steam Ahead” for 41 club whilst encouraging Tablers to join their local 41 club at the age of 40 where, as he says, they “Still do stuff”. The 5 International Presidents were all...