The Re-awakening and the resumption of Travel

             The re-awakening and resumption of travel

Following 3 months of hibernation the 41 International world re-awoke after a winter break. After a deal of stretching and yawning Barry was woken by Rachel to set off on the first trip of the year on the 28th February. An exciting trip to join 250 Round Tablers and other friends for the RTI half yearly meeting in Nepal.

Meeting up with Binod from Nepal 41 club, who had organised a driver and guide for the time they were there, the couple were able to travel around and see the many fascinating sights of this beautiful country and scenery, including it’s many temples and also having time for a flight over Mount Everest.

The weekend included 3 meetings and Barry attended all of them giving his speech about “Full Steam Ahead” for 41 club whilst encouraging Tablers to join their local 41 club at the age of 40 where, as he says, they “Still do stuff”. The 5 International Presidents were all in attendance and the RTI President, Marc from Austria, continued with his theme for the year “United in Diversity”. Of course, there were the excellent dinners and parties to attend.

The next trip was just around the corner and this time off to Finland visiting Ikaalinen and Nokia during which time he attended the Finnish (Suomi Old Tablers) 41 Club and Tangent AGM’s.

Apart from the usual meetings the members enjoyed a load of fun and friendship in the snow. Mind you it is clear that Barry is enjoying himself so much he doesn’t want his year to finish but did he really encourage someone to push Vice-President Aziz off a hill on a sledge! An extra couple of days spent being home hosted by past president Manu and his wife Miina along with past International President Randolph just added to the excellent weekend of friendship.

No sooner back from Finland the suitcase was packed again for a visit to Brussels to celebrate the 50th charter of the Belgium Association of 41 clubs. Accompanied on this occasion by a couple of random Scotsmen (Colin McKenzie and National IRO Kevin Stewart) you can tell how seriously they all take it by the photo of them sitting on the party (!) bus with not a drop of alcohol between them. The cynics say that the Scotsmen didn’t want to dig in their pockets but I wouldn’t dream of saying that!

Included in the weekend was a guided tour of Brussels led by past International President, Luc Trigaux. Luc showed the group many famous places in Brussels, including the "Mannekin Pis". As always the members of the Belgian 41 clubs give great hospitality. The first day there they ate in the iconic Atomium in central Brussels, the structure built for Expo 1958.  After the celebratory charter meeting on the Saturday and the tour led by Luc, plus the compulsory beer in the grand square, they all convened for the evening meal and, in the words Barry sent to me to explain the weekend, “After a great meal we had entertainment by one of the top lady SINNERS in Belgium”. I think he meant SINGERS but who knows 😄. Barry also managed to raise a good sum of 410 for his charities by raffling a pin board, so thank you Belgium.

After a good night and a short walk around the centre of Brussels the following morning some people convened in a coffee shop (/bar) in Brussels for a final time before the trip home. Being the generous sort of chap he is Barry bought Rachel some chocolates there. I hope they managed to find their way home Rachel.

On the homeward run now but it’s a very busy time with lots more visits before the AGM in Morocco at the end of May. The next edition of the blog is likely to come after the GB&I National AGM in Liverpool in a few weeks time for the "You'll never drink alone" themed party. Hope to see many of you there.



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